WinterWise - February 18th at 6 p.m.
South Metro Fire Rescue Presents: WinterWise - February 18th at 6 p.m. Presentation will be via a Zoom Link sent to your email.

We Coloradans love the snow and enjoy many of its benefits: free moisture, sports activities, or just staying cozy inside our homes. However, snow and cold can add layers of danger to our families.

In January 2016, the South Metro Fire Rescue community experienced tragedy when three teenaged boys fell through the ice on a pond in the Parker. Two of the boys died.  In December 2020, an unleashed dog died after falling through ice into a pond in Highlands Ranch.

Ice also causes problems on roadways and sidewalks.  According to the CDC, approximately 1 million Americans are injured annually as the result of falling on ice and snow. Tragically, these injuries are fatal for about 17,000 people each year.

Our firefighters have additional challenges when accessing fire hydrants, roads, or homes during snowstorms because of heavy snow and slippery ice.

Please join us on February 18 at 6 p.m. for our WinterWise program where you can learn tips for improving your safety and helping our firefighters during the snowy season.

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