1st Kirkham and Wesham Scout Waiting List
Squirrels - 4 to 6 years old
Beavers - 6 to 8 years old
Cubs - 8 to 10.5 years old
Scouts - 10.5 to 14 years old

This form should be used by parents/guardians of young people who wish to be placed on the waiting list for entry into the 1st Kirkham and Wesham Scout Group.
The information contained on this form, when completed, is confidential and will be treated as such by the Leaders and Administrators of the 1st Kirkham and Wesham Scout Group. We may have to pass on this information to Fylde Scouts for census keeping.
There is a high demand for places within the group. Completing this form DOES NOT guarantee admission to the 1st Kirkham and Wesham Scout Group.
Please be aware that the other Scout Groups in the area are: 2nd Kirkham, 2nd Warton, 2nd Freckleton and 1st Clifton. These groups may/may not have places available as they operate their own waiting lists. Their contact details can be provided on request.

Young people who live in either the Newton or Clifton areas WILL NOT normally be eligible for a place within 1st Kirkham and Wesham Scout Group. They should direct their request for membership of the Scout Association to their local Scout Group, 1st Clifton
Anyone with an address outside our catchment area will be removed from our waiting list.
Young people who are aged below 2 years WILL NOT be placed on the waiting list. This form should therefore NOT BE completed for under 2’s.

You will only be contacted by the group if a place becomes available. We can not comment on how long the wait will be for the group, as it completely depends on how many children leave each section.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Childs Forename *
Childs Surname *
Childs Date of Birth *
Childs address *
Childs postcode *
Contact Telephone number *
Childs current age *
Parents Name *
Would a parent/guardian be willing the assist the group in some way? IE. Volunteering to be a leader? Coming on the committee? *
I understand that I will only be contacted as a space arises. *
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