2023 線上活動成果回報 World Cleanup Day - Digital Cleanup: Register Your Effort
2022年世界環境清潔日-數位清掃 Digital Cleanup 感謝有你的幫忙,讓我們的地球降溫!
Digital Cleanup Day 活動時間為2022/9/1-2023/03/20

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Digital Cleanup Day Teaser
Name 姓名(暱稱) *
Institute 單位名稱 ;例如:OO分店(企業)、OO國小_年_班(學校),如果是個人參與填個人即可 *
Email 電子信箱 *
City 所屬縣市 *
Amount Deleted 已清除_____GB (Gigabytes, 1GB=1024MB) *
(En) Personal information statement: I agree that the personal information collected in this form can only be used by Let's Do it Taiwan. Without the consent of the person concerned, it will not be used for other purposes, nor will any information be published. The organization will follow the group information preservation and security control rules. (中) 個資聲明:同意本表單蒐集之個人資料,僅限於 Let's Do it Taiwan 來此淨國際志工團使用,非經當事人同意,不轉做其他用途,亦不會公佈任何資訊,並遵循本團體資料保存與安全控管辦理 *
Any queries, comments, or reflection 任何問題/建議/分享
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