Deschain Cellars Musician Booking Information Form
Thank you for your interest in playing at Deschain Cellars.  We love live music and supporting talented musicians! Here is some information about our live music program:
  • We generally underwrite the cost of the music without a cover charge.  As a result, we strive to build long-term relationships with our artists, so we can help develop a loyal following for them in the Texoma area.
  • We provide substantial offline, online and social media marketing, including paid ads, for all of our musicians in order to give them local exposure.   
  • In most cases, we do not book artists that are super-saturated playing in our local area because, when it’s too easy to see a performer, the turnout doesn’t underwrite the cost of the performer. (Plus, we like to be unique, and our guests have come to expect it!)
  • We do book full bands on our outdoor stage during Spring and Fall when the weather is nice. We book more solo/duo during very hot and very cold months, so we have options for moving the performers into our tasting room, deck or cellar when necessary due to weather.
  • Performers provide their own PA systems. 
  • Performances are three hours on Saturdays: Spring, Fall, & Winter 3-6PM; Summer 6-9PM
Please fill out the form below so that we can preview your performance and contact you for a booking.

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Band Name *
How do you describe your music genre? (Ie. Classic Rock, Country, Jazz, Blues, etc.) *
Is your music: *
Price for 3-hr Performance (Please list solo/duo/full band if applicable.) *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact eMail Address *
Website URL
Facebook URL (ie:
Instagram URL (ie:
YouTube URL (ie:
Additional Information that you'd like to share.
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