Parent/Carer Sign Up:                                  SeeSaw Online Learning Journal
Thank you for joining us as we continue to use new ways to educate and engage students of Windmill Primary School. Below you will find some information regarding the deployment of SeeSaw Learning Journal at Windmill Primary School, and what we need from you in order to involve you and your child/children in this venture.

Seesaw is an online learning platform for students of all ages. Teachers can create activities to share with students and engage them in unique ways through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which is ideal for remote teaching and learning. Students can use creative tools to take pictures, draw, record videos and much more to capture and share their learning and experiences. SeeSaw will enable staff at Windmill Primary School to engage your child/children in new ways through remote teaching.

Find out more at

We need a suitable email address from you to return vital details about your child's account and to provide you with tutorials on using SeeSaw. Please include a valid email below that you access regularly. We will not use your details or email for any other means outside of this process.

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Why SeeSaw Learning Journal?
The deployment of SeeSaw Learning Journal was decided based on many factors:
- Ease of use for families and teachers
- Reciprocal engagement and communication between students and teachers with comment and feedback features
- Creative and engaging tools for teaching and learning
- Wonderful ways to celebrate student achievement and creativity through the 'announcements' function
- Greater insight into students' understanding and thought processes through mixed multimedia
- Tools for learners of all ages and abilities: speech-to-text, audio/video instructions, drawing tools, verbal annotation, and more.
- Flexibility of use across various electronic devices (more info below)
Take a look at what SeeSaw is all about below
What happens after I provide Windmill Primary with permission to create my child's account?
Once we have your permission, the ICT Department will create an account on SeeSaw for your child/children. When accounts are ready for those who have provided permission, an email will be sent to you with your child/children's account details and the unique code to access their classroom on SeeSaw remotely. Other tutorials will be included in this email to help you and your child with the process as well, making for a smooth transition to our teaching and learning platform.
What devices does SeeSaw work on? Are there any costs?
SeeSaw is device and operating system agnostic, meaning it will work on almost any device or operating system e.g. Windows PC, Apple Mac, Android, iPhone, tablets, Kindles etc. There are free apps for mobiles and tablets, and on PCs and laptops it simply works within a web-browser.
You can read more about whether your device is supported or not at the link below.
Computers and other electronics are limited in my house. Will my child need to use a computer, tablet, or other device for the entire time in order to do their work?
Some device access is required in order for students to read the set task(s), however, students can still complete their work in text books or other hardcopy materials. SeeSaw allows students to simply take a photo of their work when it's finished and share it to their teacher, quickly and easily — the mobile device app is particularly good for this. Additionally, students can add verbal and visual explanations to photos of their work, providing their teachers with greater insights into their understanding of the task.
What if I don't want my child to have this educational tool?
If you choose to not provide Windmill Primary School with permission to make this account for your child, they will not be able to engage with their teachers and classmates in the manner outlined above. If you choose not to give permission, your child can still access learning materials through the existing uni-directional use of the shared online folder via the school's website.  
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