Registration form for an Educator's Retreat
organized by EduMind Mindfulness in Education 
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We invite you to an unique event - a retreat for teachers and educators led by the international experts and at the same time practitioners, teachers who know the everyday life of a school teacher perfectly.

The event will be in English with no translation.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim, bez tłumaczenia. 

It's often said that mindfulness is simple to understand but not necessarily easy to remember to do. Making the time for ourselves is sometimes the hardest part, however, practicing together can help us get over this hurdle.

During our time together we will:
- Guide you in various practices to nourish and renew
- Explore mindful listening and speaking
- Engage in reflective journaling
- Share our different experiences and challenges
- Develop strategies to support our self-care even in a busy school day

Meet the teachers:

Amy Burke is an educational consultant who spent 15 years as a high school teacher and guidance counsellor in Canada and The Netherlands.

She holds a Masters Degree in Contemplative Education from Naropa University and in 2012 co-founded MindWell whose aim is to support educational communities in fostering wellbeing through mindfulness and social-emotional learning.

She is a lead teacher trainer for the Mindfulness in Schools Project (UK) and has completed curriculum training with Gina Biegel (MBSR-T) and Dr. Amy Saltzman (Still Quiet Place). Amy is also a facilitator for the CARE program (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Educators) from the Garrison Institute and supports the Community of Contemplative Education through Mind & Life Europe. She is also a Mentor and Staff member for Inward Bound Mindfulness Education (iBme, UK) and has recently published The Mindful Teacher's Toolkit: Awareness-based wellbeing in schools co-authored with Kevin Hawkins (2021 SAGE/Corwin ).

Amy works internationally in schools and universities providing workshops and retreats for educators, students and parents with a focus on self-care and stress management.

Kevin Hawkins has worked with adolescents and young people in various contexts for over 30 years - as teacher, school head, and social worker in the UK, Africa, and Europe.  

He currently lives in Valencia, Spain and was previously in the Czech Republic where for 10 years he was Middle School Principal at the International School of Prague.  Kevin trained in mindfulness in Europe and the USA and he has taught mindfulness to students, teachers and parents since 2008.  

In 2012 he co-founded MindWell, which supports educational communities around the world in developing wellbeing through mindfulness and social-emotional learning. Kevin is a Senior Trainer for the Mindfulness in Schools Project (UK) and a facilitator of the evidence-based CARE program (Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Educators).  

 He is a regular speaker, writer and presenter on the topics of wellbeing, leadership, mindfulness and social and emotional learning in education.  His first book, Mindful Teacher, Mindful School: Improving wellbeing in teaching and learning, was published by SAGE in July 2017. He has recently published his second book, The Mindful Teacher's Toolkit: Awareness-based wellbeing in schools also for SAGE/Corwin co-authored with Amy Burke which was published in 2021.

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail: *
Telephone number *
(format: 111222333)
What is the age of your students / kids?
Have you attended any 8-week mindfulness course?
Auswahl löschen
If YES, please type / program you have completed, if NO - do you have any experience with mindfulness?
Have you attended any of the mindfulness trainings organized by EduMind Foundation? 
Auswahl löschen
If so, please type your teacher's name and we will apply a special price. 
Please add your details for an invoice:
Do you have any questions?
Date: 27/11/2022 - on-line, Zoom
Time: 09.30 am - 01.30 pm UTC+2 (WARSAW)

240 PLN per one person
190 PLN Early Bird - registration and payment till 17/10/2022

Special price for graduates of mindfulness trainings in EduMind Uważność w Edukacji: 160 PLN

Please ask us for special price if there is more than 3 teachers interested from one school.

Any questions? E-mail us: 

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Thank you and see you soon :) 
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