Consolidate your learning and keep going
Congratulations! You've finished the sprint!

As part of your cool down routine we ask you to look back over the week. Reviewing how it went - what went well, what didn't go to plan, and what you'll do differently next time you write - will help you continue writing long term.

As with the sprint plan, we ask for your email so you can be sent a copy of the form - responses will be managed in line with data protection.

Whether you achieved a personal best this week or took time out for an injury, we're proud to support you on your writing journey. Bec and Chris, your writing sprint coaches

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Did you achieve your goal?
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If you'd like to reflect further on your goal - make notes here on what you imagined success to look like and what you were able to achieve. You might have edited your goal or written something completely different.
Which days did you write? Tick all that apply.
Look back and consider your writing over the week - what worked and what didn't. Were there any surprises - good or bad?!
What did you learn from the sprint? Think about one thing you'd like to take forward to support your writing and one thing you can stop doing. 
Looking ahead, what's next for your writing? It might be another goal, a new writing practice or routine, or a specific next step or writing date.
Congratulations for finishing. We popped open the champagne as you crossed the finishing line - tell us what you're doing to celebrate, we'd love to hear!
How likely are you to recommend this 7-day sprint to someone like you?
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Very likely
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If the sprint has helped, we'd be *very* grateful if could you give us a brief testimonial to help us spread the word. If you'd prefer for your comments to be anonymous, don't include your name. Thank you :)
Is there anything else you'd like to add? Please use this space for any feedback or questions. Thank you for your support.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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