City of Painesville Economic Development Survey
Please take 10-15 minutes to give feedback on your visiting and spending habits in the downtown area and feedback on businesses you would like to see open in the downtown. Of course, there are many factors involved in attracting and retaining businesses, but we want to hear about your ideal downtown!
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Which describes you best?
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If you live or work in the City, for how long?
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What is your sex?
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What reasons do you currently visit downtown Painesville for? (check all that apply)
How often do you visit downtown Painesville?
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When you do visit, how long do you stay?
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What do you like most about current downtown stores or restaurants?
How do you feel about safety in the downtown?
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What type of retailers would you like to see the downtown consist of?
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What type of retail stores or services would you like to see in the downtown? (Check all that apply. These businesses may already be in the downtown.)
If you were shopping for a piece of clothing, what price point do you think would be favorable for downtown Painesville?
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Do you think there should be more retail stores in the downtown? What other feedback can you provide?
What type of restaurants or eateries would you like to see in the downtown?
What price point for dinner do you think would be favorable for downtown Painesville? (excluding alcoholic beverages)
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Give examples of what kinds of restaurants or eateries you would like to see (try to be specific like "sports bar" or "steak house" or "plant based restaurant")
Any other feedback on businesses you would like to see added in the downtown?
For you to enjoy downtown conveniently, what would be the ideal business hours for retail and services?
What times would you most likely visit a restaurant in the downtown? (check all that apply)
Would you like to see the addition of public art in the downtown, such as murals, street art, interactive art or temporary installations?
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What is one word you would use to describe downtown Painesville?
What is your primary source for getting information about downtown Painesville?
Please select the most important initiative on the below list that would bring improvement to the downtown:
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Would you support building back up the other side of Main Street (where the current Job and Family Services Parking Lot is) as commercial space that would mimic the older buildings?
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Please list any other experiences, improvements or amenities that would encourage you to visit the downtown:
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