Join the NCJW Sacramento Rapid Response Team
Throughout the year, NCJW Sacramento’s Advocacy and Education Committee identifies and vets state bills and budget proposals that when enacted would improve the lives of women, children, and families.  With our partner organizations, we are a compelling voice for change. To amplify that voice, we need you to join NCJW Sacramento’s Rapid Response Team (RRT).  As important legislation comes up for a vote, NCJW will send out emails alerting team members.  The email will have a brief summary of the bill or budget ask and a script that Team members can use to email or call the targeted lawmakers.  It takes less than five minutes.  Building our response capacity will strengthen our credibility with our partners and fulfill the Jewish commitment to tikkun olam.  Do join us by filling out the form below. Click here for more information about the Advocacy and Education Committee:

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