AMAS Member Operating Locations
Data Correlation for exemption from CASA Registration/Accreditation
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OZ Number *
Email Address *
Individual/Group/Club/Entity (School etc) Full Name *
Property Address *
Property Type *
Tenure Arrangement. *
Latitude *
Longitude *
Distance from/near/at Aerodrome,ALA,HLA (measured in Nautical Miles) *
Operational Height (measured in Feet). *
Area Approval In Place ( yes or no) *
Area Approval Required? (yes or no) *
Risk Assessment Required?(yes or no) *
Current Site Risk Assessment In Place. (yes or no) *
Access Controls. *
Risk Level 1-5  (Refer Website  for Risk Assessment Example) *
Does this site allow people not associated with the model aircraft operation to be excluded from the site while flying takes place? *
Does this site comply with current CASA airspace risk provisions? *
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