Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony Registration
May 15, 2025
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Step 1 - Petition To Graduate (Petition Link)This step must be completed before registering for commencement. 
Step 2 - Register for Commencement below
First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID Number (Do not use SSN) *
Preferred Ceremony Time  (It is advised you check with any classmates you wish to walk with as this selection can NOT be changed.) *
Award level you are earning *
Program of Study *
If you are unable to find your program in the list, please list it here:
Veteran? *
Dual Enrollment Student?   (currently attending CTC while still in high school) *
Dual Achievement Student?  (withdrew from high school and earning my high school diploma through Chatt Tech) *
Do you require any special accommodations during the ceremony?   *
If yes, please explain:  (wheelchair access, interpreter, etc)
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
County *
By checking this box, I understand that I am allowed to bring up to 4 guests.  We are not issuing tickets.  Guests can arrive for check-in at the front lobby doors.  *
By checking this box, I understand that there is a mandatory, non-refundable $40 registration fee.  This fee will be charged to your account within 48 hours of registration and will create a hold on your account if not paid.  *
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