Youth Field Trip: Royal Alberta Museum

Youth will meet outside City Hall, then walk together over to the Royal Alberta Museum for a fun day of exploration and learning history! 

From the Indigenous Peoples Experience, experience a live animal encounter, and viewing the 'Here & Now' exhibit. Youth will have an interactive and memorable experience with their peers and fellow youth coordinators! 

Thursday, July 11th 2024  |  10:00 AM - 3:30 PM

- Participant drop-off and pick-up at the City Hall Plaza (1 Sir Winston Churchill Square)
- A packed lunch bag will be provided   

*** PLEASE bring your MNA citizen card !

Please note: If you have more than one youth interested, please submit separate forms. Thx!

Please contact the youth coordinator Hailey-Emma at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
( please make sure this is correct, as you'll receive more information ) 
Participant's Phone Number:
Participant's FULL Name:
Participant's MNA card Number 
( or please state if you would like us to look it up for you )
Participant's Current Age:
Does the participant have any food allergies/restrictions?
If YES, please describe:
Emergency Contact's FULL Name:
Emergency Contact's Phone Number:
Waiver of Liability &
Photo and Video Consent Assignment, and Release Form:
( youth 18+ or parent/guardian, please sign full name below or state 'no' )
Captionless Image
Maarsii !

A confirmation email and reminder email will be sent to your email. For any questions, please contact
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