Motorcycle Riding 
Hey guys, I'm an industrial design major currently at Mass College of Art and Design. I've been riding motorcycles for a year now and would like to incorporate it into a project I'm doing for a class. All responses are anonymous. This should take under 5 minutes.
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How many years have you been riding motorcycles
I am
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In what state do you live
What city or town
How many motorcycles do you own
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What Brand(s) do you currently own
What Model/Style(s)  do you own?
Have you customized any of them?
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If so, how?
Does your geographic location Influence your style of customization?
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What is your favorite brand overall?
If money weren't an object, what bike would you own?
Would You customize it? 
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If yes, how?
What inspirations you?
I ride because...
My preferred way to to ride is: 
How'd you get into motorcycles?
How'd you learn ride?
When I ride, I feel...
I enjoy:
Thank you for your time! If you might be willing to be interviewed, please leave your first name and a way to contact you.

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