Intro to Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) Workshop – Not just for MRI!

The Open Science Office Hours (OSOH) and the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute (TOSI) Trainee Council are pleased to invite you to "Intro to Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) Workshop – Not just for MRI! "

The brain imaging data structure (BIDS) is fast becoming the main standard to organize neuroimaging data, and many more modalities. Having your data in BIDS offers many downstream advantages to users: use of standardized pipelines, facilitate data sharing and reuse. Getting your data to be BIDS compliant can also be source of much frustration, especially when it is the first time you are dealing with BIDS.

This talk aims to reduce that frustration by giving a quick overview of the data management principles that underpin BIDS and providing pointers and tips to convert and validate your datasets.

Free registration!
Snacks will be provided to all attendees.

Speaker: Remi Gau, PhD. Research Associate, ORIGAMI lab, The Neuro

de Grandpré Communication Center – The Neuro

Wednesday October 4th, 2023 @ 

Any questions or comments:


OSOH and TOSI Trainee Council

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How much do you know about the Brain Imaging Data Structure?
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If you have heard or used a BIDS apps or a BIDS "aware" tool, please mention it below.
If you have used BIDS in the past, what is something you struggled with?
Regarding BIDS, what is it you would like to hear more about?
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