Registration for Giving Strategies for the 21st Century: A Workshop with Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel
From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership
Tuesday, February 22, 2021, Noon-2 p.m. Eastern
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name *
Are you clergy or a layperson? *
If you are clergy, please list your job title. If are a layperson, please list your responsibilities in the church (i.e. finance chair, worship committee, choir member). *
Please tell us about the biggest challenge or challenges your church faces in funding ministry. *
Denomination *
Church name *
City/Town *
U.S. state/ Canadian province
Country if other than U.S. or Canada
Your time zone *
“Giving Strategies for the 21st Century: A Workshop with Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel” is $100 per registrant. Please click submit below then please proceed to to pay.
Note: You will see the payment web address again after you click submit.
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
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