Ingame Photographer Application Form
Apply to become a free lance game photographer for the Abigail Pinehaven channel.

If you have any questions, please contact the email address found on Abigail Pinehaven
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Preferred Name:
Are you over 16? *
What is the resolution of your monitor? *
Which game do you photograph in? *
Please submit examples of your work *
Your Kofi page, Instagram, Blog, Fivver page, or other public social media
Do you use Reshade? *
Do you edit your photos? *
What is your rate per photo / per photo pack? *
If unsure of your preferred rate, please put 'Unsure'. A pack of photos would usually be 5-10 images
Why are you interested in working for the Abigail Pinehaven channel? *
Yes we know this question is lame, but we have to ask it to get a sense of who you are and if you'll be a good fit.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Optionally tell us a bit about yourself, your background in editing, your hobbies etc.
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