Facility Account Request for New Users
If you have any questions, or would prefer to speak to someone over the phone, please call (651) 621-6055.
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Email *
Organization Information
Type of Organization *
Examples: Sports Team, Dance Competition, Girl Scouts, etc
Name of Organization *
Does your organization reside and operate within ISD 621 boundaries? *
At least 75% of roster/group must be district residents to answer "yes"
Age of Participants *
Classification Type *
If you are a non-profit organization, can you provide proof of your 501(c)(3) status? *
Contact Information
Contact Person First & Last Name *
Role of Contact Person *
i.e. President, Scheduler, Billing
Mailing Street Address, City, State, Zip Code *
Is this account for a Business or Personal Account? *
Cell Phone Number *
Email Address *
Additional Contacts
Do you have additional contacts you would like to have access to your facility account? *
Please list full name, email address, phone number, and role for all additional members
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