RSPS Welcome Committee 2020
Looking for a fun way to earn your volunteer hours?

The Resurrection-St. Paul School Welcoming Committee is a group of current RSPS parents who volunteer to host new families during their first year at RSPS.  
There are so many exciting and wonderful things happening at RSPS that a new family cannot possibly learn about all of them without some one-on-one guidance from a current family.  We hope you will join us in sharing all that makes our school so special!

Each year the Current Families are paired with New Families who have children in the same grade(s). These pairings are made over the summer and shared as soon as possible. Email addresses and phone numbers are shared between the families so they can contact each other during the summer and throughout the school year.

The Welcoming Committee Host Families should be prepared to answer routine school questions and feel comfortable in referring the new family to the proper school personnel for questions that are not routine.  We would like for our host families to be open, honest, warm and welcoming.

Let them know you are available to answer any questions they may have at any time during the summer or school year via phone or email. Be proactive and tell your New Family about upcoming events and details so they feel comfortable attending and feel “in the know” instead of feeling “out of the loop.”

The RSPS Welcoming Committee Coordinator will jointly introduce the Host Family to the New Family and keep in touch with Host Families and New Families periodically throughout the year.  Thank You!!!
Interest Level: *
Family (Parent´s First and Last Name) *
Contact Phone Number *
Contact Email Address *
In the 2020-2021 School Year my child(ren) will be in the following grade(s) (NAME of child(ren) AND grade) * Please list ALL children you will have at RSPS *
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