Host Registration
This form is for those expressing an interest in hosting Ukrainians. This might be to provide a break for existing hosts, to provide emergency accommodation for a few weeks, or to provide a home for a longer period for someone coming from Ukraine or already here. You can outline your preferences in this form.

The main purpose of this form is to gain a better understanding about you and the accommodation you can provide. It will help us find the best possible match. When we find a potential match, we will contact you again to provide you with more information. If you agree, we would then set up an introductory video call with your potential guests so that you can chat together and find out more about one another. After that, if you decide to proceed, we will guide you through the next steps of the process.

Please be aware that your guests will need to have full access to come and go as they please. You will need to be able to provide privacy and access to facilities such as a kitchen and a bathroom -  these can be shared spaces.
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