Childcare Needs in the North Country & NEK

The Community Builders Hub is issuing this survey in collaboration with community partners to collect data for assessing the childcare needs in northern Coos County, NH and northeastern Essex County, VT.  This information will help us to continue to plan strategic solutions to address the needs of childcare in the region.  We appreciate your input, and thank you for taking the time to answer the questions provided. 

Please contact Britni Haley ( or 802-277-1974 if you'd like to get in touch about anything regarding this effort.  We are always looking for ways to develop creative collaborations to help our communities thrive!
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If a childcare/after school care option was available in these towns, which one(s) would you be interested in utilizing?
Will you be in need of childcare or after school care services for your child/children within the next year?
If you are in need of childcare, how old will your children be in August 2025?
What timeframe do you need childcare? (select all that apply)
Would you be interested in working in any of these positions? (We may contact you with opportunities if so.)
What would appropriate childcare allow you to do?
Please share any concerns that you may have in obtaining childcare for your family.
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