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Committee chairs will schedule committee meetings to ensure the completion of necessary steps for events and report to the reunion Chair(s) during executive committee meetings.

Committee members will work in coordination with UO Black Alumni Network Board and UOAA staff, to participate in monthly conference calls as needed and to help determine a plan of action and next steps.

Members may also need to plan time to meet in-person, during and prior to the reunion, in order to rehearse or adequately prepare for reunion events. We hope to engage several alumni in this effort to build a diverse committee and engage a wide audience.

Communications (Marketing/Advertisement) Committee
Will work with UOBAN Board and Coordinate with UOAA Comms to develop reunion logo, marketing and communications plan for flyers, blog posts, official announcements, and social media
Sponsorships and Giveaways Committee
The work of this committee will be to seek and solicit enough donations, to make the reunion financially accessible to as many alumni as possible. In addition, committee members will be expected to solicit potential in-kind donations for swag bags, volunteer gifts and giveaways.

Welcome Luncheon Committee
This committee will develop program for this luncheon event highlighting UOBAN initiatives, campus updates as well as a Professional or Cultural development component.

Awards Gala Committee
This committee will work with the chair, UOBAN Board and UOAA staff to develop the ceremony script, select winners, outline the program order as well as catering, music, decor, etc. The awards ceremony is a marquee event during the reunion

Student / Alumni Mixer Committee
This committee will work with UOBAN Board and UO student leaders to plan the Black Alumni/Student/Faculty & Staff networking event. The committee will determine the structure for the event and develop instructions for both volunteers and attendees.    

Soul Sunday Celebration Committee
This committee will work with UOBAN Board to plan this inclusive, inspirational Sunday Event to close out the reunion weekend. Must be planning to stay through the close of the reunion.
Registration / Hospitality Committee
This committee will work with the chair, UOBAN Board and UOAA staff to streamline the registration process as well as identify and host award winners and special guests

The following is my 1st choice of committee I'd like to serve
The following is my 2nd choice of committee I'd like to serve
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