Co-Creating Tomorrow: A Workshop on Human-AI Collaboration - Registration
Time: September 26-27, 2024
Place: University of Cologne

Please register for the workshop until Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

Please share the link to this registration form with other 2nd year master students, PhD students, and researchers working on human-AI-related topics at the University of Cologne and beyond. This workshop will be a great opportunity to start promising interdisciplinary research projects across disciplines.
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Last Name *
First Name
Position *
Department or Research Area
E-Mail Address
Would you be willing to give a lightning talk about your research (~ 5 minutes)? (It can be any project somewhat related to human-AI collaboration)
If yes, please provide a short description of the research you would like to present as a lightning talk (max. 500 words).
During the workshop, we will develop promising research ideas together. What would be a topic or research question that you would be interested to work on?
Will you join the dinner on the first day (September 26)?
If you have any allergies or food-related intolerances, please state them here (even if you do not participate in the dinner on the first day).
Thank you for your interest in the workshop on human-AI collaboration research at the University of Cologne. We will get in touch with you during the next few weeks for further details on the workshop.
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