Have you got the Oops Factor?!
Oops a Daisy Ambassadors are responsible for spreading the word about Oops a Daisy journaling and planning tools! 

We are looking for people who are passionate about journaling, planning and stationery, and who play an active role in the journaling and planning community.

For more information on becoming an ambassador please visit our dedicated web resource.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are successful in your application we will contact you via email, so please do make sure this information is correct!
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Contact email address
What methods of planning do you currently use?
Are you currently a customer of Oops a Daisy?
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Do you currently receive an Oops a Daisy subscription?
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What type of ambassador would you like to apply for? (tick all that apply) *
We would like to select ambassadors who are active in a variety of social media platforms. 

Please select your primary and secondary social media platforms, we will ask for further details below.
For your primary social media platform, please give the following information. 

1) Username/url
2) Number of followers/reach
3) How you will use this forum to promote Oops a Daisy
For your secondary social media platform, please give the following information. 

1) Username/url
2) Number of followers/reach
3) How you will use this forum to promote Oops a Daisy
Why should we choose you to become an Oops a Daisy ambassador?
Thank you for your application.
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