Request Pick Up/Delivery
If you are looking for pick up or delivery from Washerman's Laundromat in South Amboy, NJ, please fill out information below. 

We do NOT pick up or deliver on TUESDAY or SUNDAY. 
All of the pickup/deliveries will be made between the hours of 12pm and 4pm. If you need to, you can request a ONE HOUR time block in the special instructions and we will try our best, but we cannot guarantee it. 

If you have any questions, feel free to call or text (800) 257-9803 or e-mail
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Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Address (New Pickup/Delivery Customers Only)
Phone Number *
Pick up Day 
NOTE: No Tuesday/Sunday availability at this time. 
Delivery Day 
NOTE: Soonest Delivery is Next Day
No Tuesday/Sunday availability at this time. 
Are there any special instructions for this order? 
Ex: Hang wet, Bleach Whites, etc. 
Is this a one time pickup or would you like it to be recurring? *
Would you be interested in putting a card on file? If so, we will give you a call to set it up.  *
How did you hear about us?
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