Reviving boredom
Hello! I'm a master student in Design and I'm doing this survey for my master thesis/final design project. I'm looking at how the digital, by its accessibility at hand everywhere and at any time, is urging us to make every moment profitable and is changing our relation to boredom. In my project I would like to gather testimonies, give back value to boredom and embrace unproductive moments.

Your answers and testimonies are completely anonymous and will not be shared.
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In which country have you lived the longest?
(example: New Zealand)
How old are you? *
(example: 32)
At what age did you start using a smartphone regularly? *
(example: 12, if you are not using regularly a smartphone write: never)
Approximately, what is your daily screen time outside of work/studies (including social media, YouTube videos, video games, streaming films) on all devices (phone, computer, TV, video game console, etc.)? *
(To calculate you can look at your screen time on your phone and approximately add the time spend on other devices.)
What are the digital platforms you use the most when you're bored/have nothing to do?
X (Twitter)
When you're bored outside your home (on a train, public transport, in a queue), how likely are you to use your phone to kill boredom? *
Very unlikely
Very likely
Do you feel the need to be productive even when you have nothing to do? *
No, never
Yes, all the time
Are you comfortable being alone with your thoughts and allowing your mind to wander freely? *
No, I hate it
Yes, I'm comfortable with it
What were the things you used to do when you were bored as a kid? *
Please cite one or multiple things you find yourself doing when you are bored that don't require digital devices.
(For example: Looking through the window, doodling...)
Do you wish you were spending less time on digital devices? *
Explain your answer *
(No, because... /Yes, because...)

Share your thoughts, experiences, reflections, advice on this topic. You are very welcome to write anything you would like to share. Thank you :)

And don't hesitate to leave your contact information in case you want to share more on this topic or if you are interested in collaborating!

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