Hollywood High School - School for Advanced Studies Interest Form
Are you interested in learning more about our SAS program? 

Hollywood High's School for Advanced Studies (SAS) is part of a district-wide program designed to increase educational opportunities to better the development of our gifted and talented (GATE) students.

Students who are not identified GATE can still apply for our program as long as they complete the gifted verification process. 

Feel free to explore our website: https://bit.ly/SchoolforAdvancedStudies 
Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent Phone Number *
Student Name *
Does your child currently attend an LAUSD school? *
Name of Current School *
Is your student currently in a SAS program? *
Incoming grade level (2024-2025) *
We offer student-led tours of SAS and the Hollywood High campus on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.  Please choose a date/time that works for you.  *
Are there any specific questions you would like to be addressed during your tour? *
Need more info?  Please contact our SAS Coordinator, Dr. Jirn. You can reach him at jinsuh.jirn@lausd.net.  

Thank you for your interest in the SAS program at Hollywood High. We look forward to meeting you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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