IP Education online resources
Please tell us about IP Education resources online that could be shared on the GLIPA website. For each resource, please fill it up once and then repeat for additional resources.
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Email *
1. Name of person submitting
2. Audience
3. Type of IP
4. Link to Education Resource *
5. Organization on whose website the link is located *
6. Continent *
How widely, Regionally or globally, will the IP Education Resource be useful? Is it only relevant to a country or region in one of the continents below, or can anyone around the Globe find it useful?
7. Language of instruction *
8. Type of resource
9. Title of the resource
10. Tags that can be added to the resource
(Few examples - litigation/commercialisation, country/region, basic/intermediate/etc.)
11. Please include a synopsis of the resource
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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