NEXT Student Agency - Application
Look at you making smart choices! So happy you have decided to apply. 

About NEXT: A Reimagined Centre for Creative and Business Collaboration
As an evolution of the program, BuildingF, (formerly the AdCentre) – NEXT is a student agency, developed to work with agencies and organizations throughout the GTA in collaboration with programs spanning Humber College’s Faculty of Media, Creative Arts and Design.  NEXT provides a learning platform for students to collaborate across disciplines, with related mentors to learn what it takes to run and market an agency. 

Please fill out the answers below. If you have questions, please reach out to Felicia Guthrie:
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Email *
What is your full name? *
What is your preferred* email and LinkedIn URL?
What program are you in and what year?
What is your dream job when you graduate? And why? *
What company or agency do you want to work for and why? *
What role are you interested in and why? Provide any relevant experience.
Why would you be a good student agency member?
Do you have an online portfolio? If so, please provide a link below. (Not to worry if you don't!)
Anything else you want to share that will impress us? Get creative :) 
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