AiFi Series B Extension Commitment Form
Please execute the form below to submit your FINAL investment order in AiFi's Series B Extension investment opportunity. If we need to adjust your amount, we will notify you BEFORE we send out the Investor Packet & wire instruction. Plum Alley's syndicate expense fee and carry will apply, please refer to the Plum Alley investor packet for further details.

If you have any issues in completing the form, please reach out to Ben Robbins ( for further assistance.

- The Plum Alley Ventures Company Team
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Member Name (First, Last) *
Your Investing Entity Name *
If you would like to invest as an individual, please provide your legal name. If you would like to invest via an entity, please share the full entity name.
What is your requested final commitment ($ USD)? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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