Artist in Residence Application
Please complete this form 
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E-mailadres *
First Name *
Last Name *
email address *
Phone number *
What is your personal interest in learning wood working? *
Are you willing to learn how to lead "Introductory Wood working Workshops" to small groups? *
How do you envision your artisan/craftsmanship practice evolving during your residency, and what do you hope to achieve? *
Can you dedicate a couple hours to training every week? *
Will you be able to dedicate a session or two per week  on-site for developing your skills and working on your own projects or ours (assistance available if/when needed)? *
Tell us how you see yourself helping to encourage women and gender expansive people in their wood working journey by creating a safe, inclusive environment. *
Please include any information you think may help us select you for this position.
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Dit formulier is gemaakt in MIxxer Community Makerspace. Misbruik rapporteren