This two-day workshop is the first of its kind available to Planning at Illinois students  - you do not want to miss it. This workshop is heavily abbreviated version of a full sixteen week urban design course that was previously taught at the University of Illinois by Devin Lavigne and Kai Tarum.

This workshop will teach student's the skills of cartography, graphic design, and digital storytelling through mapping the basic elements of urban design - what we call defining the neighborhood. It will also teach students the basics of working with commonly utilized software and technology to visually communicate planning and urban design concepts. The goal is that students will come away from the course with the ability to convey information to the public in an engaging and meaningful way.

This two-day event will be an all inclusive workshop that will include time for students to learn, collaborate, have fun, and sharpen their skills in story telling and demonstrating data in a way that is absolutely crucial for planners and community changers alike.

WHAT: Storytelling with Digital Planning Tools Workshop
WHEN: Both Saturday, March 26th AND Saturday, April 2nd from 10-3pm with an hour lunch provided each day :)
WHO: Taught by Eric VanBuskirk - Expert in ArcGIS and digital planning tools. Eric is a Planner at the City of Champaign where he handles a majority of the Planning Department's GIS projects. He is currently working on a map to analyze crime in Champaign.
WHERE: Temple Buell Hall Room 227 (lab)
Registration is $10 a person
A certificate of completion will be provided from APA-IL to all students who complete this workshop.
Planning Students of all skill levels/years welcome.

*This project has been funded by the American Planning Association Illinois State Section (APA ISS) and Planning at Illinois.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Roya Nassirpour at 217-725-5587 ,

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Name *
Email address ( email please) *
In the event that we run out of computers in the lab (there are only 18 computers available). Do you have a device that can run ArcGIS and Adobe Creative Cloud softwares? *
Registration is $10 per person. Please Venmo @spo-uiuc (please note that the payment through venmo is highly encouraged) *
Thank you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Roya Nassirpour at 217-725-5587 ,
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