Sataen patron survey!
- January 18th 2024 -
This survey is for current patrons, returning patrons, and exiting patrons.

All submitted answers are anonymous and will not reveal emails. Answers will be used to improve patron experiences and rewards going forward and will be taken into consideration, thank you so much for the help and support! (/^▽^)/
What tier are you currently in? *
What is something you'd like to see out of the Sataen Patreon/SS in the future? ( New features, improvements, ect. )
What feature of the Sataen Patreon/SS do you feel was worth it the most for you? ( Exclusive art, polls, discord, alts, ect. )
What would be most convenient for you: Subscription payment reoccurring on the 1st, or upon join date? ( Ex. the 15th of each month if joined on that day ) *
Is there anything else you'd like to add? ( Thank you for taking this survey! )
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