Campbell River Curling Club Participation Survey 2021
Before completing this survey - talk to your team about plans for curling in January.

The answers from this survey will help the Board decide whether to keep the ice in over the holidays and whether we can continue in January. We hope to plan another 9-week session but we need commitment from teams in order to do so. Please answer as honestly and accurately as you can.

Assuming we are still in "Phase 3" of sport according to viaSport and Curl BC, and their Phase 3 guidelines stay the same, we will proceed in January with the following:
- 4 player modified curling
- masks required on the ice
- staggered draw times for every draw. (ie: 6:45pm and 7:00pm, alternating each week). Required to decrease lobby congestion.
- all other changes to play remain the same
- spares must be registered curlers
- Dues will remain at $450/team (unless participation rates drop significantly)
- No additional 'pandemic fee' will be charged to returning curlers. The $60 pandemic fee will be charged to any curlers who did not register in the Fall 2020 session.

A few other things to note:
- Masks will continue to be required in the lobby and on the ice until the guidelines from Curl BC tell us otherwise
- On-ice game play format is subject to change as guidance from Curl BC, viaSport, and/or the PHO changes
- The Bar/Lounge is temporarily closed to follow the intent of the PHO's current order on limiting social gatherings to immediate households only. We will re-assess this temporary closure if/when the order is rescinded.
- teams are welcome to continue with 3 players

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Are you currently registered in the Fall 2020 session? *
What league(s) do you curl in? *
Do you and/or your team(s) plan to return in January 2020 in the same league? *
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