NUES eBook Library Content Reconsideration Form
The purpose of this form is to request that a title currently included in the NUES eBook Library be reconsidered as appropriate for school-aged children.
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Email *
Your First and Last Name *
Your Home Address (street number, city & zip code) *
Your Phone Number *
What school district or charter school does your child attend? *
What School Does your child attend? *
What is your child's grade level? *
Please identify the title of the item that you would like to be reconsidered *
Please identify the author of the item that you would like to be reconsidered *
Please indicate what your concerns are about the title citing specific chapters and/or page numbers that contain sensitive material. *
Have you read/listened to the entire work? *
What grade level do you consider this title appropriate for? *
Any additional information you'd like to include?
Only verified reconsideration requests from parents residing within the NUES geographic region will be considered.  All others will be withdrawn.  Please note that the entire work needs to be read or listened to, to judge its literary merit.
What now?
Upon your submission of this form, your request for reconsideration will forwarded to the NUES Media Specialist.  The title will be removed from the library until the review committee can review the request and make a recommendation to the NUES Board.  The NUES Board will make the final determination on whether to keep or remove  the title from the library.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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