AI Forum NZ | AEC Working Group
Please complete this form if you wish to participate in and contribute to our AI Forum NZ AEC Working Group, the Terms of Reference for which can be found here

* You must be a member of the AI Forum NZ to be part of one of its Working Groups.

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Organisation *
Please confirm you are authorised to act on behalf of your organisation to answer the questions on this form. *
After reading the Working Group's Terms of Reference, are there any comments you would like to bring to the WG's attention regarding anything needing greater or lesser attention? *
Please describe what you expect to contribute to the Working Group drawn from your knowledge and experience in the domain. *
I acknowledge the AEC Working Group's Terms of Reference found here. *
Thank you for completing the AIFNZ AEC Working Group application form.  We will be in contact with you shortly regarding joining the WG. 
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