What ideas + questions + feedback do you have?
I’m always collecting ideas for future content (YouTube videos, courses, etc.), and would LOVE to hear what you want most! What would help you? What do you want to see?
So grateful for your time – Eve @gardenprojectacademy
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MOST IMPORTANT: Why are you here, & what do you hope to get out of this newsletter? 🪴 Type anything on your mind, here! *
If you only want to answer one question, that's okay. Most important one above ⬆️. Just be sure to hit the submit button, below!
BUT... If you want to keep going, I'd love to hear more from you!
Please share any ideas you have or ways I can help! Thank you so much for your time!
OPTIONAL: What challenges or problems are you facing or overcoming in your landscaping/gardening project? What do you think could make your project easier?
Optional: If you could design the perfect newsletter for YOU, what would it include?
OPTIONAL: What ideas do you have for future YouTube videos?
OPTIONAL: What ideas do you have for future courses?
OPTIONAL: What can I do to make my videos better?
OPTIONAL: What topics (or aspects of gardening or landscape design) do you feel passionate about? Or excited to learn about?
OPTIONAL: What are some of your favorite garden/landscape design people/resources to learn from?
OPTIONAL: Do you have other YouTubers you like to follow? (Who?)
OPTIONAL: Do you have any other landscape design/gardening questions?
OPTIONAL: Anything else you'd like to share? Feedback? Questions?
I appreciate your time and feedback so much! Best wishes and happy gardening! -Eve 🪴

Eve Hanlin
(she/her), CPH
On Behalf of Garden Project Academy LLC, Online DIY design courses and resources to help with your next garden project
Website: https://www.gardenprojectacademy.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfWAnFA6cNSwOE3Bpfd42ww
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gardenprojectacademy/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gardenprojectacademy
Newsletter: https://www.gardenprojectacademy.com/newsletter/
Courses: https://www.gardenprojectacademy.com/online-courses/
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