Nonna Terra Tarot Gift Request Form
Please use this form to preorder a future session for yourself or to request a gift Tarot reading session for someone you love.
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Email *
What is your name? And, if you'd like, which pronouns do you prefer? *
What is your phone number? *
Who are you purchasing this gift for?  (Please include name and pronouns, if possible) *
What is the recipient's email address? (So that I can invite them to schedule with me. If you would prefer to do this yourself, you can use your own email address here.) *
Please include as much information as you'd like about this gift. What is your relationship to the recipient? What is the gift commemorating, if anything?  *
Please select your gift from the following options. (All prices listed are sliding scale suggestions, presented as low / middle / high.) *
Please select a payment option from the list below and submit payment separately.  *
Once this form and payment have both been received, Owen will follow up with you and confirm the gift. He will then reach out to the gift recipient and invite them to schedule their session. All gift readings are valid indefinitely, except the Birthday Special, which is valid through the recipient's sun sign season, or one full month from the recipient's birthday, whichever is longer. *
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