PEACE Birmingham 2023-2024 Advisor Sign-Up
PEACE Birmingham is a monthly dialogue group for teens from different cultures and faiths with the goal to create doors through which we can enter each other's communities to nurture and sustain a Birmingham that values and welcomes people of different race, religion, creed, nationality, school, gender, sexual orientation, immigration statues, ability, and cultural background. PEACE provides a safe, welcoming, open environment in which issues such as stereotypes and prejudice are discussed. Advisors will support the facilitators in connecting with students and supervising during activities, trips, and events.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in being an advisor for PEACE Birmingham and we will contact you with the training date & information. The program will begin in September 2023 and end with an optional trip in April 2024.
PEACE Birmingham participants meet once a month typically on a weekend for 2-3 hours unless otherwise communicated. The April trip is typically an overnight weekend trip out of the city or state.
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Full Name *
Preferred First Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Birthday *
Have you ever participated in PEACE Birmingham, Anytown Alabama, or Heritage Panel? Check all that apply. *
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