HFCRD Re-Entry Survey: Students
HFCRD is planning for what the 2020-2021 school year might look like for our students, staff and families. While any return to school will be done under the guidelines and direction from Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, we want to hear from you about what’s important to you as we plan for three different scenarios:
     - Normal return to operations
     - Schools are open for classes with some health restrictions that affect operations
     - Schools remain closed for classes and at-home learning continues

This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Participation is completely voluntary and your responses will be kept confidential.
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In September, what grade will you be in? *
How are you doing with the current physical distancing measures, like keeping 2 meters apart and avoiding large gatherings, due to COVID-19? *
With the exception of you or a family member catching COVID-19, what is your biggest concern about the coronavirus pandemic? *
If other, please explain
How comfortable are you with the possibility of going back to in-person classes in the fall? *
How important is it for you that your school has the following: *
Not important at all
Somewhat important
Very important
Hand sanitizer
Regular hand-washing
Physical distancing protocols
Enhanced cleaning protocols
Stricter protocols for responding to students and staff who are sick
In a scenario where social distancing measures continue, how comfortable are you with each of the following? *
Not at all comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Very comfortable
Attending at different times of the day (e.g., some students attend at the beginning of the day and then go home and other students attend later after the first group has left)
Attending school at alternating days (i.e. students attend school some days, and stay home and learn online other days)
I have... *
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
..a quiet place at home to learn
...good internet or wifi
...access to a device (e.g., Chromebook, tablet, computer, phone)
...support for my learning from an adult in the home
I have been concerned about.. *
Not at all concerned
Somewhat concerned
Very concerned
...the impact of online instruction on my learning
...receiving feedback on my online learning
...how my online learning is being graded
…building and maintaining relationships with other students during online learning
...building and maintaining relationships with my teachers during online learning
Do you have anything else you would like to share?
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Holy Family Catholic Regional Division No. 37 erstellt. Missbrauch melden