Den Css ᶠᵒʳᵐ
Here you can apply for a paid code! The waiting list is Here. Anything except caves/mounds, gradients, Sb/Gb and boxes counts as full code. My prices are based on $0.50 USD = 1 Gb = 1,200 Sb. Make sure to use the links in the descriptions!
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  • I take full payment before starting any codes, it is so i can insure that i will not get scammed out of payment, if i get started on a code and you want to cancel at most you will get 75% of your payment back depending on how far i have gotten at least 25%
  • Do not remove credit! You cannot remove credit, claim the code as your work, give out or resell the code.
  • I can drop a commission if i feel uncomfortable under any means, and will refund you accordingly. Do not harass me if i drop a code.
  • By agreeing to this commission you accept all terms and conditions
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