ESSR 2022-23 Fund Allocation Survey
ESSR funds (CARES Act, ARP, etc.) have been distributed to districts to manage the COVID 19 crisis and address the learning loss and health and safety needs that resulted. Please provide feedback to help guide Genesis on how to best use available funds to support scholar health, safety, and education.
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Your scholar(s) attend which Academy?
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Please prioritize the needs/actions that you would like to see funded/implemented.
Note: Hiring Teachers for Core Instruction is a new option
Low Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Computers for Home Use
Home Internet Access
Face masks, sanitizer, soap, etc.
Counseling / Social Worker supports
Cover any temporary budget deficits
Hire Teachers for Core Instruction
Instructional training for teachers
Hire more instructional support staff
Improved air ventilation
More staff/supplies to clean bldg.
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Is there an area that you feel should be a High Priority that is not listed?
What specific suggestions do you have about any High Priority area you identified?
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