Real-World Soft Robotics Form
Filling this form is mandatory to apply to the Real-World Soft Robotics 2023 course. The student will be selected based on their interest for this course and to maintain an overall balanced class with regards to the students' background.
Email *
Name and Surname *
ETH email address *
Legi number *
Master's program *
Semester number *
Which aspects of Robotics do you consider your strengths? *
In which aspects of Robotics are you interested? *
What motivated you to apply for this course?
Please answer the question in max. 750 characters
Optional: Have you done a project in the past on Robotics that you are particularly proud of? Please summarize it below, and add some references (such as GitHub repository, publication link, ...) of the project if they are available in the next panel. 
Optional:  Project references
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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