Incubator Application Form
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Current location (city, state)
What is your educational background? (There are no educational requirements for the fellowship and please define "education" in whatever way is most relevant to you)
Please provide a timeline of your relevant work history (feel free to include a LinkedIn URL if that is easiest).
How have you served vulnerable communities through your work, either paid or volunteer? Which specific populations have you worked with? What lessons have you learned working with these groups of people? 
What is your experience helping people obtain IDs? Include number of years experience and whether you have been doing this work independently or through an organization.
Describe your experience working with clients utilizing the DMV, the Social Security office, and/or Vital Records. Tell us about an experience where you met a difficult road block and how you were able to successfully obtain an ID despite this challenge. 
Describe your experience with project management.
Have you managed a departmental or organizational budget? If yes, please give details regarding your experience.
Describe your leadership experience.
Are you comfortable working in an online environment? What is your proficiency level with: Google Suite, Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Office.
Why are you interested in joining the incubator?
Are you willing to commit to monthly meetings, readings, and assignments for 12 months?
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What is your experience with fundraising? 
Are you willing to commit at least the next five years to building out a 501c3 dedicated to ID work? Why or why not?
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