2024-2025 Eastpointe GSRP Preschool Enrollment Form (must be 4 by 12/1/24)
The Eastpointe Early Learning Center is only accepting applications online. To apply for GSRP at the Eastpointe Early Learning Center, you will need to complete this intake form and provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate, proof of income, and 2 proofs of residency. Preschool placement is based on a child’s age (must be 4 by 12/1/24), family income, child’s eligibility factors, and availability of programming.

The information you share is completely confidential and viewed only by the enrollment team of the Eastpointe Early Learning Center. If you need assistance completing this application or prefer a phone interview please call 586-533-3900. If no-one answers please leaved a detailed message including your name, phone number, and child's name.

Copies of birth certificates, proof of income for each working parent/guardian, driver's license, health appraisal with shot record, and 2 proofs of residency (such as a water bill, DTE bill, lease agreement, etc.) may be emailed to elcenrollment@eastpointeschools.org. Hard copies of these documents can be mailed to Eastpointe Early Learning Center, 23750 David, Eastpointe, MI 48021.
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I would like to proceed and complete the online Preschool Enrollment application.                                  **Please note: Once you start the application, there is no way to save and return at a later date to finish. This process can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes.** *
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