Investigation on problems coming from BT/NT - related experiments and opinions of solving the problems
Hello, we are Team 4 of 2022 GRAFFITI Startup Festival held by ICISTS-KAIST. Our team is trying to develop LabNote, an integrated record management solution for bio-nano research data that enables optimized research records, efficient sharing and collaboration, and easy data management for research institutes and companies in the bio-nano field made by Atant.(
We are hoping for you to share the problems and opinions you experienced during your research through this survey.
You can skip answer, but we'd appreciate it if you could write anything down.(short answer will be welcome)
Thank you!
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1. What do you use for your research note? (handwriting, word, specific webpages, etc.) *
1-1. What do you think it is unnecessary when using it?
2. In the research process, what really bother you the most? (experiment ~ recording)
3. Have you ever thought about using your research results? If you do, tell us briefly.
4. If you have experienced any collaboration in various work fields, do you have any episodes that you thought were uncomfortable with? (it is okay to tell us recklessly)
5. Do you use helper tools for your research note? If you do, tell us pros and cons about the tool.
6. (About using infographics) Do you think using infographics in research notes would give a positive effect on demonstrating the work? *
6-1. If you do, could you give us a specific example?
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