Trivia Newsletter CLXVI Submission Form
Note: Some folks like to share their guesses for all of the questions, but in order to submit this form, only your initials (the first question) and a guess on the last question are necessary.
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For purposes of the Question #6 Leaderboard, please write below a THREE-LETTER initialism you'd like me to use to track your entries. (You might choose your initials, but doing so is not necessary.)  *
Question #1 - Vipera berus, the only venomous species of snake native to the British Isles, is sometimes called the common European viper or WHAT other five-letter word (that is not “snake”)?
Question #2 - The Treaty of Frankfurt, signed on May 10, 1871, gave residents of WHAT hyphenated region until October 1, 1872 to decide whether to emigrate to France or remain and become German citizens?
Question #3 - In chess notation, the symbol # signifies checkmate. WHAT symbol, also the name of Ed Sheeran’s debut studio album, signifies check?
Question #4 - Susette Kelo of New London, Connecticut is most notable in American legal history as the named plaintiff in a lawsuit that alleged that New London misused WHAT two-word power, which the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires be used only “for public use”?
Question #5 - “If you’re wrong, admit it” is part of a chapter title in a 1936 self-help book by Dale Carnegie, the title of which book suggests that the book will teach the reader how to do WHAT two things?
Question #6 - WHAT NUMBER should be listed next to Dwight Eisenhower’s name in the following list, which list is related in some fashion to this newsletter’s theme? (All unlisted U.S. presidents would, if listed, have a “0” next to each of their names.)

George Washington (3), Thomas Jefferson (1), James Madison (2), James Monroe (5), Andrew Jackson (2), John Tyler (1), James Polk (3), Millard Fillmore (1), James Buchanan (3), Abraham Lincoln (2), Andrew Johnson (1), Ulysses Grant (1), Grover Cleveland (1), Benjamin Harrison (6), Theodore Roosevelt (1), William Taft (2), Dwight Eisenhower (???).

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