Maine Women's Lobby State House Visits 2023
Thanks for joining us for a State House visit! Join Destie, our lobbyist, for a casual, no-pressure chance to open up the State House doors and learn the ropes of getting in, out, and around the State House. Each visit will include careful directions for parking, meeting up and getting inside; a tour and Q&A session; a chance to meet Legislators in their natural habitat; and snacks! 

We might also drop off some love letters to our Legislators in honor of Valentine's Day. 

Mileage reimbursement, snacks, and KN95 masks will be available for in-person visits. For more information, contact Destie at 
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Will you need a mileage reimbursement? These will be VISA gift cards given to you at the event. 
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Is there anything else you'd like to let us know? 
Thanks for signing up! We can't wait to see you. You will get a confirmation and instructuctions about where to park and meet within 3 days. 
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