Ralphie's TOS and Commision form
See Terms of Service before submitting commision form:

If you have any questions, please email

The Email your provide below will be used for commission-related communmication.

Once the form is submitted, I will try to respond as soon as possible and will message you saying that I have recieved the form. From then we will discuss payment and any other questions/details you have. 

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Email *
Commission Choice *
Any additional characters?  *
If said "yes" on additional characters state how many
Please give details on what you want your commission to be.
This can include pose, expression, and any other details of the character. Notes on character personality is also highly appreciated! If you want a certain background, please also descibe it here. Difficulity of background will affect pricing. (If chosen character sheets, type N/A for this section)
Character Sheet 
please state what poses and expressions you want for your character
simple character sheet: provide one full body pose and two half body poses.
detailed character sheet: provide main action pose, 4 animation poses, and 4 expressions
(type N/A if you did not choose character sheet)
Please provide references here.
Links to reference images or written out descriptions are acceptable. If sending a Google Drive link, please make sure that the link is accessible by checking "Everyone with a link can view".
Please provide Pinterest Boards here (If applicable)
I have read the Terms and Conditions and accept the terms provided by the artist *
If you have any other details or questions, provide them here and we can discuss specifics and prices through DMs and/or Email after submitting this form. :)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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