ADPTA Nomination Form
Nominate a candidate for a PTA board position or Distinguished Service award. Elections are March 3rd at 6:30pm in the AD Library. You must be present to vote, but you can be on the ballot even if you can't attend that meeting. You are welcome to nominate more than one person by submitting this form more than once, and you can nominate yourself.

The PTA elected board consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Any PTA member can be nominated for a position. Board members serve for one year, from June 1st-May 31st.

The Distinguished Service Award is an opportunity to recognize an individual or group for their outstanding service to the PTA. We can recognize two individuals or groups each year. The recipients can, but do not have to be PTA members--they can be school or district staff, community members, parent volunteers, etc. Recipients receive a certificate and pin, and ADPTA contributes towards a statewide college scholarship fund in their honor.
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I would like to nominate this person or group: *
I am nominating them for (select all that apply): *
I am nominating them because... *
Please include an email address or phone number for the nominee, if possible, so the nominating committee can communicate with them.
Your name (optional)
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