2024 Downtown Neighborhood Association Grant Application

The deadline for submission is March 15, 2024 at midnight.

Community organizations seeking funds are asked to select one of the following categories as the primary basis for the proposal:

• Beautification / Preservation in the Historic District
• Arts and Cultural Life
• Youth Development
• Humanitarian Causes

The funds for the grants were raised through the DNA’s Holiday Tour of Homes and Inns held in December 2023. Members and supporters of the DNA open their homes and inns for visitors to tour and learn about architecture, home décor, and the history and culture of the South. The tour is operated by the DNA community along with other volunteers.

Using the funds generated by the tour, the DNA bestows grants to community organizations that have an impact on the greater downtown area, particularly those that help or enrich the residential quality of life. Each application goes through a review process overseen by the DNA Board of Directors which makes the selections. Grants will be distributed in May 2024.

For questions concerning DNA’s grant program, email 

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Email *
Name of Organization *
CEO/Board Chair/President applying on behalf of Organization: *
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Organization's Phone Number *
Person Applying Phone Number *
Organization Website and/or Social Media site(s) *
Applicant's Email Address *
Has your organization been the recipient of a Downtown Neighborhood Association Community Grant in the past? 
DNA requires Grants to be used in one of four categories. Please select one:
Will the Grant be used for a New or Continuing Project?

Project Description *
Timeline of the Project *
Approximate Project Cost
Amount of Grant Money Requested from the Downtown Neighborhood Association
How will the Grant from the Downtown Neighborhood Association be used? Be specific.
How will this project benefit the greater downtown area?
Please provide a list of grants your organization received in 2022 and 2021 (DNA grants and/or others) and include the amount of each grant.
Is there anything additional that would be helpful for the DNA Grant Committee to know about your project or organization?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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